Hello everyone!
Brrrr! Is it cold where you are today? The temps have really dropped here in GA! With this lag period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I have been pondering how I'm going to decorate for Christmas this year. I'm sure many people do that (here in blog land especially) and others just put things back up the way they did it years before. We bloggers though like to change things up a bit though, don't we?
One thing I saw somewhere was this little project. Now I am not a big crafter. If it isn't simple and inexpensive, I just don't do it. But, I do love to make some things so that not everything in my house is store bought and mass produced. I think it gives my decor a little something extra that way.
So, this is what you'll need for this simple project.
Some pillar candles, old book pages, tape, twine and scissors.
Easy Peasy right? You probably already have this stuff in your home too.
First tear or cut a book page down the center.
Then wrap it around your candle and tape it.
Now, if your candles will be used so that all sides will be seen you'll need a large enough book page to wrap completely around it. Mine will not be, so I'm not worried about it.
Here is what the front will look like.
Then, cut off a very long piece of twine and wrap it around the candle several times to get a thick band and tie it in a knot. Cut off any extra.
At this point, you could add a charm or something interesting to it, but I left mine plain. A sprig of greenery for Christmas would look cute tucked in the twine too.
Now, I've been playing around in my house trying to figure out my Christmas decor. No! I'm not setting up a tree yet and hanging lights. Just working on basic stuff. So, these candles will most likely be used in my Christmas decor this year. Just sayin.
And there you have it! It has that creamy vintage look I like so much.
Are you planning your Christmas decor yet?
Thanks for stopping by.
~ Dian Mayasari ~
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