Monday, January 7, 2013

Pom Poms and Pillows

Hello everyone!
Monday came in with a bang!  My son went back to school today and my husband is sick with a stomach bug.  This will be a hectic week, I'm afraid.  I also have a couple of appointments to go to this week.  Is it Friday yet??? 
I did want to share with you something I made recently though.  You may recall that I made a small pom pom wreath during the holidays.  Well, that was just a practice run.  I decided to make a bigger one and use it in my dining room.  These wreaths can be used year round ya know (minus the Christmas ribbon).

It was very easy to make. I actually used a large embroidery hoop to hot glue the pom poms on. I've seen several different ways to make these wreaths.

                              The cream color of the yarn is a nice accent in here.

Also, I received some new pillows from Decor Steals not long ago. If you follow their daily deals, you may remember them. It's a set of 3 faux grainsack looking pillows in blue and white. They came in 3 different sizes. I placed a couple of them in this basket.

                       The largest size is now gracing the bench in my dining room.

One other thing, this morning I had trouble loading pictures on my blog for this post, I found out that other bloggers were experiencing this same problem. Someone suggested to upload the post in HTML format instead of Compose format for now. It worked!   This must be a temporary glitch with Blogger. Just thought I'd pass this on to you in case you experience any problems with it too. Also, if anyone has anymore experience/solutions to this problem, I'm all ears!!

                                                     Thanks for stopping by!

                                                                 ~ Dian Mayasari~

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